Plugin for Vue CLI

To set up Cloudinary url builder easily in Vue projects, you can use the dedicated plugin for Vue Cli.

The plugin supports both Vue 2x and 3x.


  1. Install the plugin by running the following command

    vue add vue-cli-plugin-cloudinary-api`
  2. Provide your Cloudinary cloud Name and select the type(s) of media (image/video or both) you want to build url for in the prompts.

  3. A new file cloudinary.js will be added to src/plugins/ directory in your project, with all the initial setup details you provide. You can also modify its configurations manually per need.

That's it 🎉! You can start generating url for your images within your Vue apps.


Once installed, the plugin will inject global instance $imageUrl for image url builder, or $videoUrl for video url builder. You can access it by calling this.$imageUrl or this.$videoUrl per component.

$imageUrl(publicId, { cloud, transformations })

See build image url documentation for more details on the accepting parameters.

  <img :src="src" alt="example" />
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      src: this.$imageUrl('example', {
        cloud: {
          cloudName: 'demo',
        transformations: {
          resize: {
            type: 'scale',
            width: 500,
            height: 500,

$videoUrl(publicId, { cloud, transformations })

See build video url documentation for more details on the accepting parameters.

  <video controls>
    <source :src="src" type="video/mp4">
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      src: this.$videoUrl('dog', {
        cloud: {
          cloudName: 'demo',
        transformations: {
          resize: {
            type: 'scale',
            width: 500,
          format: 'mp4'

See Transformations for more details on the supported transformation property for modifying the media asset.